breast augmentation Thailand

By now, let’s assume that you have a good understanding of physician credentialing in plastic surgery to make an informed decision and develop a comprehensive treatment plan (which may include more than one operation) with a qualified doctor.

There are many other details that go into surgery planning. Often times, it’s easy to forget the small stuff. The following pre- and post-op tips are meant to provide the details that can make life easier before and after surgery. This list does not replace the advice of a qualified plastic surgeon. But it can provide reminders about what to ask the doctor and how to be better prepared.

Pre – Operative Breast Augmentation Checklist

On the Day of Surgery, please:

  • Wear NO makeup or nail polish.

  • Wear NO jewelry.

  • Leave valuable at home. We are not responsible for personal items, money,credit cards, wallets, jewelry, etc.

  • Bring a case for contact lenses and/or glasses.

  • Feel free to wear your dentures to the operating room.

  • Wear no metal hair accessories.

  • Wear loose fitting clothing appropriate for the type of surgery being performed.

Please be aware of the following information:

  • Insurance information and I.D.(for ex, a driver’s licence must be available at the time of registration.
  • Stay away from aspirin/aspirin products. No Advil or anti-inflammatory drugs at least 7-10 days prior to surgery.
  • Medical Clearance – Unless otherwise agreed upon by doctors all patients must provide a letter of medical clearance from their primary physician stating that there are no health problems which preclude an elective operative procedure.
  • Labs / Blood work – All patients will need preoperative blood work including a blood count, chemistries, and if applicable, a pregnancy test within one week of the surgery date. An EKG and Chest X-ray will be required for patients with any cardiac history and/or age greater than 50. Mammograms are required for any woman over 30 years old prior to breast surgery.
  • Smoking must be stopped. Nicotine interferes with healing. This means all nicotine gum, patches, and cigarettes must be stopped.
  • Stop all aspirin and ibuprofen (motrin, alive, etc…) 2 weeks prior to surgery. See attached long list of medications, supplements, and herbs which must be avoided due to possible bleeding complications. Tylenol is safe to take for aches, pains, and headaches any time prior to surgery. If unsure, call doctor and ask.
  • Consent forms must be reviewed and signed two weeks prior to surgery. This leaves ample time for Doctors to answer any questions.
  • Night before surgery: Nothing to eat or drink after midnight except prescribed medications with a sip of water. Please remove any nail polish or it may need to be removed as it can interfere with monitoring equipment.
  • Morning of surgery: No gum, candy, mints in the morning. Wear loose, comfortable clothes to the hospital. Wear glasses not contact lenses. Take usual medications and any prescriptions as directed with a small sip of water. No food or drink means no coffee/milk. This is due to safety with anesthesia and surgery will be cancelled if this is not followed.

Breast Augmentation: Recovery Period or  Post surgery Checklist

One of the biggest aids for a quick recovery is a Positive Mental Attitude!

Prepare the room in your home where you will be recovering. Set up your bedside with all you’re the essentials nearby such as:

  • Jug and glass for water/cordial
  • TV remote
  • Reading and relaxation materials
  • Telephone and doctor’s numbers
  • Snacks
  • Tissues
  • Moisturizers, scar reducing creams and petroleum jelly for incisions
  • Any medicines you may need
  • Apply ice packs or compresses to minimize swelling.
  • Do not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications (your doctor can provide you with a list of over the counter medications to avoid).
  • Do not smoke or be exposed to secondary smoke during recovery.
  • Eat lots of fruit and vegetables; you need lots of vitamins these will speed up your recovery.
  • Consider the following: Arnica to reduce bruising, to aid in the healing process, Vitamin C, to help reduce swelling (Bromelain & fresh pineapple, to help boost immunity, and multi-vitamins and post-surgical herbs like St. John’s Wort, can also help

Above all you must try to be patient. You’ll soon be back to your old self, feeling refreshed, happy and confident about your new look.


Depression is common following cosmetic surgery. Under the circumstances, it’s not uncommon to feel a little blue.

There are several factors that contribute to post-operative depression, including:

  • Anticipation and stress.
  • Stress and fear regarding complications and disfigurement.
  • Refraining from exercise can make you feel tired, and out of sorts.
  • Dealing with family and friends reactions to your surgery.
  • Financial stress.
  • Feeling guilty about having the procedure.
  • The medications, anesthesia and trauma of the surgery have physical effects that will affect your emotional well-being.
  • Adjusting to your new look.

Expecting to have a downtime is normal. Take time to relax, and care for yourself. It is important to have support from others, if you feel depressed you must talk to your surgeon.